Sunday, December 28, 2008

On account of him being as dumb as a stick...

We call it habit, or being in a rut - with dogs it is being conditioned (behavior).

I typically let everyone in a crate out of their crates, then go to the front door and let them out into the yard for morning bathroom break. Jack, being Marq's dog, usually goes looking for Marq instead, searching down the hallway to the bedroom or bathroom, then lying outside the apropriate door until he gets to greet Marq, THEN he goes out to pee.

This morning? Marq let everyone in a crate out, and went to the front door to put them out in the yard. Jack was one of these dogs. Despite the fact that the person talking to him, letting him out of the crate, and walking to the front door was HIS person, Jack still headed down the hallway to look for Marq. Marq was even calling him back, and it just didn't occur to Jack until he got down the hallway then heard Marq's voice at the front door that his person was somewhere else.

Maybe he just wasn't awake. But regardless, we get to mock him the rest of the day!

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