Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Huh, fancy that, they are useful!

Tired today, so when it came to moving 300 some pounds of feed from the back fo the truck, I decided to use the big dogs - Dean and Frost. Hitched them up to the wagon - first time either had been hitched as a team, and pulled the bags one at a team to the back stoop. Not a problem - the boys were pros, generally pulling as a team, didn't bug each other, did their stops accurately and stayed well, even when I went inside to get them a treat. When then went out past the arena and picked up the large coyote trap ( I suspect we have an opossum problem) and brought it up to the house.

Guess I am being cruel, putting my poor handicapped dogs to work and expecting them to help out around here. Ha! They are quite capable of doing their jobs, and doing something novel competently. Novelty is good. Stasis is bad. In dog training, patterns are great for training, horrible for proofing and horrible for living with dogs.

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