Saturday, October 3, 2009

ES HCT/JHD at Maple Grove English Shepherds

We provided sheep, entries and stock handlers for a local AHBA test Friday at Maple Grove English Shepherds. The sheep worked wonderfully at their first event ( every single one got to go), being calm with the dogs, not ever thinking of bolting into a fence, and being good little heavy sheep when the dog was working right, and wandering off when they weren't. A few of the gates were a little loose, so there was one incident of Mikey testing a gate latch and then making himself half his width and squeezing through, but that was at the repen anyway, and on one of my runs, and we fixed that situation for later runs by putting me and Pow in there.
Pow and my client Meredith with her BC Terra worked stockhandling - Meredith has only had Terra for 2 mo now and she's done a great job. So I handled DJ ( ES), Snap (ES), Lyric (Rough Collie), and Patsy (Kerry Blue Terrier) for clients- all got their JHD's. My clients were also there in droves with their own dogs - Janine and Duncan (GSD), Lindy and Bree (Smooth Collie), Meredith and Terra (BC) and Connie and Sophie (ES) and Jane and Maggie (Pem corgi) all got their JHD's themselves. A really nice ES named Honor his JHD's handled by his owner. The HCT dog did well, but as it was her first time on sheep, didn't have the control she needed to get her second leg, but she was well turned on and loved every minute of it.
Pow worked all day, and even played ball after - you'd never know he was 10! He was so happy to be working, and very professional when I was handling him - he was a complete handlful when Meredith traded Terra for him when Terra needed a break!

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