Saturday, December 12, 2009


Finally, got a $25 treadmill at the PTA thrift store. I've been wanting a mill or treadmill for a while for the dogs. So this morning, with 20 min of work and the total of one hotdog, everyone but Frost knows how to get on it, deal with it starting, and walk along straight. Nobody was scared of it at all, although some found the slow speed annoyingly slow and hard to adjust to. They'll figure out how to adjust pace and Brick especially wanted it up quite high before he'd actually trot.

I love how my dogs are trained. Took me 20 minutes to train 9 dogs to walk on the treadmill happily. If you train your dogs to like novelty? Things like this are a complete no brainer. Now, keeping them from targeting to it every time I walk by it now might be a challenge!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Absolutely ... most dogs will walk and or run up to 20 miles a day. No human I know has that kind of time. Great idea on the treadmill. Tread wheels work too...but they are dog powered. Best Wishes