Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Catch up!!

Haven't posted in a while, been a little busy:

CAT Lure coursing test: Malcolm got his first leg, Pow finished his title at 12 yrs old.

Collie National Specialty: At Scarlet Mill, PA Meggie, Roger, Tyra all finished their PT's, Skye finished his HSAd, Charlie q'd in cattle one day to get High scoring cattle (we were the only cattle run), Armani got two legs on his HSAs title, and Tyra got an HSAs leg on her next day moveup from PT. Charlie and I then Q'd in Novice Standard Preferred agility run two days later, then on to the conformation.

I then flew back, in time to head to Elizabeth City, NC to a very nice AHBA trial. Sheep and ducks were fantastic. Step got his first leg on his HTADIs, Bonnie finished her HTADIs, and we tried valiantly on ducks but weren't getting the pen. Ah well. Also finished HCT's on two OES, Candy and Caroline, and Shannon's Doberman baby Ruger.

Wait a week, then another great AHBA trial at Findley Vue Farm in Burlington, NC. Step finished his HTADIs and got a leg in HTADId, Punch finished her HTADId, and got a leg in HTADIs, Syd got a leg in HTADIs, Sadie finished her HTADId title, Shep got his JHD, Dean finished his HTADIId title. Clients Caroline and Traci got legs on their JHD's first time in with their dogs, a puppy ES and a GSMD - I am very proud of their handling.

Now, a week later, and onto another AHBA trial in Gladys, VA at Breezy Hill......

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