Thursday, May 21, 2009

He's mocking us

The local mockingbird is mocking us, specfically. They are mimics, to some degree, and pick up other bird's calls.

Our local one? Hawk whistles, hawk calls, and new, for this week? Fledgling chicken. Just great. I'm outside thinking that a hen has gone broody and I haven't noticed for 20 some days and now there are chicks lost in the woods. But no. It is the mockingbird. He starts a mimic call that triggers my brain to react to it, then 5-10 sec later loops onto some other call. ARGH!

I think, because it is so clear, he's sitting on the bathroom vent listening to the chicks in the bathroom, because the call is so very clear and precise, and started this week.

1 comment:

Joanne Kuchinski and Ginger said...

WE have one that does the Quail call and since we raise Irsih setters at work it drives them nuts looking for the quail. I swear the bird knows what he is doing.

Joanne and Ginger