Sunday, September 6, 2009

Border Collies don't always win.

We did quite well at the trial this weekend. High in Trial both Sat(Kestrel-HRDIIIs) and Sunday(Joy- HTADIIIs), Reserve High in Trial on Sat(Joy-HRDIIIs), Reserve High Combined (Joy)over the whole weekend. Two Herding Trial Champions (Joy and Kestrel) finished, and another dog added her 4th point. One HRDIs leg on Yoschi, his second time ever in the ring. A JHD leg on Lyric, on her very short time working sheep.

I need to double check Kestrel's points, but I'm pretty sure that she finished, she was only 1 pt behind Joy.

1 comment:

Susan Sanderson said...

Hey Claire--

Congratulations on your fabulous weekend! I was only there a couple of hours on Saturday (when we got the second leg of Falco's JHD--yea!) and missed Sunday altogether because of previous commitments, so I saw only a bit of when you were working with Joy (I think) in the arena ring. We watched Monday's RLF entries, though, which were fascinating. Your shelties (and other dogs, of course!) are simply amazing and I always enjoy watching you out in the ring. We'll see you in October! Susan & Falco