Monday, March 22, 2010

Maternity outfits are not pleasant on anyone

Typically. And with a sheltie, you are removing their grandeur - the furnishings all have to come off. No ruff, no leg hair, no chaps, no tail hair, no belly hair.


Safety. Pups can and will get hung up in the long fur. I've had to deal with the aftermath of someone's neglected during whelping bitch (not anyone we know, no worries) and had to try to calm a frantic bitch with dead pups caught in her fur that she couldn't help. So my girls, and I know that Deep River does this too, are clipped nice and short.

I noticed while clipping that the pups are definitely alive and kicking. After thumping her side gently, they'll play sheltie slappy paws for a minute in there, kicking back at your hand. Definitely some on each horn, both sides are active. Freaky, but pretty neat. She dropped two days ago, so she no longer looks quite so uncomfortable, and there's start of milk to be seen. Starting to take her temp every day twice a day.

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