Monday, July 19, 2010

Luna's visit

Pow putting Albert back into the arena.

Pow and Kestrel's daughter Luna

Frost's handsome boy Cordell, 5mo old.

Cordell does like his sheep, really good confidence.

Luna and Pow working the larger graze.

Attentive puppy crew. They are still so much fun to work with.

Barley, the Am Bull. Great dog, got intro to herding and carting while here.

Ajah. No idea what gait she's in, guessing a trot, but there's a leg missing in the photo, so maybe some bizarre counter canter. At any rate, she's flanking around and turning her sheep. She's a yorkie something or other.

Pow bringing the goat boys out of the woods, day's work done.

Pow looking on as Luna moves down the boundary line on the front yard graze.
This is Albert ignored. Huffy, annoyed, and destructive. Could I fill his trough NOW please?! He plays with the troughs when they get dirty, low, or just because I haven't worked him enough. Needless to say, it gets him worked, and water checked twice daily!

1 comment:

Larry Dake said...

Wow! Another ox and dog blog!

Hi, I enjoyed your posts about Albert the Ox. I have Scout the Ox and Harry the Dog.

My blog is storybrookeripples:Ox and Dog Blog. (My dog even pulls a cart --- oh, and we used to raise sheep. Before that I was a shepherd on several larger ranches and I owned two working dogs. One was a Border Collie and the other was Border Collie x Kelpie.)

Hope you'll stop by my blog and say hello.

May I share a picture of Albert the Ox with my readers along with a link back here?
