Wednesday, January 12, 2011

School Visit!

Students of the Duke School came to visit a while back since they were covering dogs and working animals in school in Kindergarten. 27 students and their wranglers came out to watch the dogs herd and cart. We talked about multipurpose farmcollies and how the shelties will guard their flocks AND herd - with Brick as an example, barking and trying to scare them off until given the ok command. We started off by sending a courageous teacher out with the flock with Brick and he worked happily for her, she walked up and down the arena with the sheep. The students thought that was just great!

We then showed duck herding with Punch, and then on to carting with Frost. From the letters I recieved afterwards, seems like Frost was some kid's favorites.

We then put away the couch collie, and got out Pow and Malcolm to demo tending style herding in the front yard on the tiny graze. Malcolm had no problem with the students watching him and was all business - I think this was his 4th or 5th time on the boundary at this point.

Then, finally, they all got to pet a dog! As soon as Malcolm was off duty, he went for sit and pet duty through the whole line of kids. No jumping, no licking, not scared or shy, just his business best. He's really shaping up to be something.

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