Friday, April 22, 2011

Morning Bird Watching


Here's Little Horn, still hasn't lambed yet. Soon. Soon. Please. She and Tosha over at 3H are having a competition for having the Easter Lambs I guess.

Morning bird .watching with sheep. Me, Marq, Brick and Pow and the sheep, two cups of coffee and some breakfast sandwiches. I think everyone enjoyed it, other than the sheep weren't happy to be made to do a very intensive graze only about 30 ft by 15 ft, but dealt with it nicely after they learned that the dogs weren't going to let them go to their regular graze.

Baby Al - Doesn't look so little anymore!

We saw: mourning dove, crow, blue jay, blue bird, thrasher, mockingbird, LBJ's, blue heron, canadian geese, two different woodpeckers, I'm sure I'm missing some.

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