Thursday, April 29, 2010

Birthday party!

We took the pups over to a friend's house for her birthday - just to hang out and play D & D. I started Crate training in the morning, putting a wire crate in their xpen. After one nap, that was the designated place to sleep. While I was at Bon-Clyde doing some training, the pups did Intro to the crate, and learned that was the best place to get into and relax at home.

So, to prep for leaving, I made their dinner to take along, and woke everyone up for one last pee break. After peeing, I put them in a large plastic bin, we got in the truck and off we went. The bin sat in my lap for the ride.

Bob was the most interested in the whole experience and is also big enough to get his paws over the edge to look. Pretty much he, the sable girl and the dark face triboy occasionally peeked out, everyone else slept.

Even with an hour and a half drive, there were no accidents or even anyone looking like they needed to go. We arrived, set up babygates, put down the metal crate they had become familiar with that morning, and loosed the hounds! Everyone immediately used the papers in a new place, then went off to adventure. Hardwood floors are new to them, and it was a whole room to themselves.

The table v.s. Speedy. He worked on trying to get the tablecloth down for quite a while, frustratedly barking at it. He even attacked the table legs to get it to release the tablecloth. Made several large leaps at it. It won. Somebody need a squirrel dog?

Puppies got to see their first kid - who they found very likeable and interesting!

They played, got to meet people, then they all went to the crate and fell asleep. I locked them in, we ate dinner, and later I went, woke them up and fed them. They ate, pooped, went to the crate and back to sleep. Locked them in again, and several hours later, woke them up before we left to pee and then boxed them up and off we went. All puppies peed on the papers within 30 sec of waking up like good pups. No accidents on the way home.

Of course, this is likely to be the first and last time the whole litter gets to go over there as a unit - they will soon not be as manageable.

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